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Matters of The Heart

How To Deal With A Third Party.

November 20 2020 , Written by Roli Mejebi

Most times, romantic relationship are deeply affected  even before you realize it wasn't your fault, but the existence of a third party.  Evidence has showed from many cases, that third party are the cause of breakups, separations and even divorce in marriages.

 But 'Wisdom is profitable to direct', so worry not because there are ways you can either avoid this or deal with it.

Avoid making your relationship the topic of every discussion.

​​​​​​There is a thousand and one (101) things to discuss about when you are with your friends. Talk about every and anything but your relationship. This way, you avoid creating rooms for others opinion.

Avoid discussing your partner with your friends. Especially when there is a misunderstanding between you two.

Be honest to your partner

No matter what the issue is that lead to dispute between you and your partner. be honest and open up to your man and tell exactly what really happened. And try to talk about at the right time and be in the right mood as well. Be calm!

Also, do not forget to use sentence that are nicer hear, so that your partner can listen to you with arguments.

Accept the existence of a third party

Once honest and open to each other, you both need to recognize and accept the existence of a third party causing problems between you and your partner.

The moment this is achieved, you can both decide on what attitude will be done to handle them...in a peaceful way!

Good communication

Where there is an indication of  the presence of a third party in your love life, the intensity of friendship and good communication is very important and should also be maintained.

Try not to stay far away from your partner when there is a dispute, or even having minimal communication.

PS: A third party could come from either you or your partner - your man. And they could also be family members as well

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